Luke Spademan

Micro:bit Controlled Robot

5 minute read

Sun 26 Jan 2020

Recently I found myself in Cambridge, England. This meant that I had to visit the Raspberry Pi store. While I was there I picked up a CamJam Edukit 3 amoungs other things.

The Project


Checking that everything works

I started off by following the provided worksheets. These give you a guideline of what you need to do while forcing you to be creative and come up with some solutions and ideas of your own.

I decided to use the provided box for the chase. This seems to be a very popular choice. Once I had connected the motors to my Pi and to the chase, and bolted the 'ball castor' to the chase, I cloned the git repo.

git clone

On my Raspberry Pi I then ran python3 EduKit3/CamJam Edukit 3 - GPIO Zero/Code/ and saw my robot drive forwards. If we look at the file we see the code we just executed.

# CamJam EduKit 3 - Robotics
# Worksheet 3 - Motor Test Code

import time  # Import the Time library
from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot  # Import the GPIO Zero Library CamJam library

robot = CamJamKitRobot()

# Turn the motors on

# Wait for 1 seconds

# Turn the motors off

Here we can see that the script first imports some libraries. from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot allows imports some code that allows us the inferface with our robot's motors. import time will allow us to make our program pause (also known as sleeping) for a given amount of time.

We then create our robot and make it drive forwards. The program will then wait (or sleep) for 1 second then stop moving.

Adding micro:bit control

After making the robot move forwards I decided that I wanted to use a micro:bit to control the robot. This project actually required two micro:bits. One micro:bit is used as a remote control. It uses accelerator data to work out in which direction it is tilting. It then sends that data over the built in radio to another micro:bit that sends the received direction over a USB cable to Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi should then move the robot accordingly using code similarly to what we just ran.

For this project I am going to create a folder named edukit3_microbit. All of the code for this project will be kept in here. Firstly I am going to create the code for the micro:bit controller.


from microbit import *
import radio

# 9 = make led bright. 0 = turn off led
x_image = Image(
        "90009:")  # This displays an x on the screen
images = {
"u": Image.ARROW_N,
"d": Image.ARROW_S,
"l": Image.ARROW_W,
"r": Image.ARROW_E,
"f": x_image

def get_dir():
  x = accelerometer.get_x()
  y = accelerometer.get_y()
  abs_x = abs(x)
  abs_y = abs(y)
  amount = 300
  if abs_x > abs_y:
    if x > amount:
      return "r"
    if x < -amount:
        return "l"
  elif abs_y > abs_x:
    if y > amount:
      return "d"
    if y < -amount:
      return "u"
  return "f"

while True:
  d = get_dir()  # get the current direction from the acceleromter
  radio.send(d)  # send the direction over the radio to the other micro:bit[d])  # display the image for the direction
  sleep(250)  # wait for 250ms (1/4 second) as to not spam the radio

We now need our second micro:bit to revieve this radio data and send it to our Raspberry Pi over a micro USB cable.


from microbit import *
import radio


while True:
    data = radio.receive()
    if data:

Firstly we import the microbit library and the radio module. The radio module will allows us to recieve the data from the other micro:bit.

Everything beneath while True: will carry on running until the micro:bit turns off. Finally we then recieve the data over the radio, check if some data was actually sent, and if it was we then print the data. When the micro:bit runs print(data) it sends the data over serial (the USB connection) to the Rapsberry Pi.


from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot
from microbitdongle import Dongle

def main():
    mb = Dongle(debug=True)
    robot = CamJamKitRobot()
    commands = {
        "l": robot.left,
        "u": robot.forward,
        "d": robot.backward,
        "r": robot.right,
        "f": robot.stop,
    while True:
        data = mb.recv()
        if data:
            if data in commands:

if __name__ == "__main__":

main.pyis the script that will run on the actual Raspberry Pi. from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot imports the code needed to interface with the robots motors. The line from microbitdongle import Dongle allows us to revieve the data from the micro:bit over the serial connection.

Next we define the main() function. mb = Dongle(debug=True) makes a connection with the micro:bit what we can access through the variable mb. debug=True outputs some useful information about the connecton with the micro:bit.

robot = CamJamKitRobot() allows to to later control the motors of the robot. We will do this through the robot variable.

Writeup to be completed. In the mean time find the source code for the project here.